Monday, July 18, 2005

"Rove:" A New Word

In the grand tradition of creating a new word out of high profile incidents, ala "Borking" from the Robert Bork congressional judicial hearing, I suggest we create "Rove" to be defined as follows:

Main Entry: 1Rove
Pronunciation: 'rO-vi[ng]
Function: verb
Etymology: Modern English, arising from the Karl Rove incident
1: To search incessantly for a crime against tremendous odds that none has been committed. {He Roved for several days through thousands of White House files.}
2 : To imply a crime has been committed without fact. {The citizen was Roveing the Councilman after he spoke about the indescretion.}

But my favorite potential application is as an adjective.

Main Entry: 1Rove·ing
Pronunciation: 'rO-vi[ng]
Function: adjective
Etymology: Modern English, arising from the Karl Rove incident
1: one who Roves. {I have seen enough Roveing "watch dog" groups in my time.}
2: inclined to grasp at straws. {The Roveing District Attorney lost another case.}
3: inclined to make incorrect conclusions from inadequate facts. {The Roveing reporter did not wait until all the facts were disclosed.}

(Bwahahaha =;^O)