Sunday, September 18, 2005

Clinton and Murdoch Call Katrina Coverage Baised

Bill Clinton and Rupert Murdoch characterize English coverage of Hurricane Katrina events as biased. From the article:
"Murdoch went on to say that anti-American bias was prevalent throughout Europe.

"I think we've got to do a better job at answering it. And there's a big job to do. But you're not going to ever turn it around totally," said Murdoch, one of three media magnates who spoke at Clinton's "Global Initiative" forum on peace and development.

The former US president, who held his conference to coincide with the United Nations summit in New York, agreed that the BBC's coverage was lacking.

While the BBC's reports on the hurricane were factually accurate, its presentation was 'stacked up' to criticize President George W Bush's handling of the disaster, Clinton said.

'There is nothing factually inaccurate. But ... it was designed to be almost exclusively a hit on the federal response, without showing what anybody at any level was doing that was also miraculous, going on simultaneously in a positive way,' Clinton said."

Wow! What else needs to be said.

Read the whole article. Blair calls BBC coverage 'full of hate of America': Murdoch - Yahoo! News.

(hat tip: Political Yen/Yang)